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The seminar area

By opening our monastery to adult education, we are adhering to a central principle of Benedictine life: the ready reception of guests who are always welcome. Since dialogue with other world religions is important to us, we also offer space for non-Christians.

We offer a wide range of services for all those who appreciate the special atmosphere of our monastery:

Courses for contemplation and reflection, fine arts, dance, music and movement; seminars for heart patients; continuing education for employees of private and public sector companies; international congresses (e.g. medicine, law, business administration).

Our time has few places like this that combine peace and contemplation with modern adult education. When you attend a seminar, you can see for yourself that this has been achieved in a good way.


The seminar calendar

Massagen - ganzjährig


- Ayurveda Massage Ahyanga (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), - Vitalmassage (Rücken, Nacken, Schulter)

- Vital-Ganzkörpermassagen,

- Ganzheitliche Fußmassage und vieles mehr ...

Sie haben die Möglichkeit sich im Kloster eine Massageanwendung zu gönnen. Nähere Infos u. Terminvereinbarungen finden Sie auf meiner Homepage.
Ein Massage-Gutschein ist die ideale Geschenkidee! Die Gutscheine können auch auf dem Postweg zugesandt werden.

Termine nach Vereinbarung: ganzjährig im Seminarraum 4

Gabriele Theimer-Nagele

​​Mobil: 0162-4173301

The 4 colour fields in the calendar show the assignment to the 4 topic areas:


These can be specifically selected by clicking on or off below this menu !

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