The ABC of our monastic life - (mostly taken from the internet platform Wikipedia)
Abbot / Abbess
From the Greek: "abbas", father. The abbot (monks) or the abbess (nuns) is the (father / mother) upper of an independent Benedictine monastery (abbey) and is usually chosen for lifetime.
Independent monastery of monks or nuns under the direction of an abbot or an abbess.
Lectern in the church
(from the Latin antiphonarium, antiphonarius)
One of the most common Catholic liturgical books. It contains the lyrics and melodies of all the songs of the Liturgy of the Hours, that is, the naming antiphons, but also the psalms, responsories and hymns.
The oldest monastic order in the western church. The Benedictines attach particular importance to the Liturgy of the Hours or the Office. Motto: Ora et Labora, pray and work.
lat. "cella" - pantry, cellar, chamber; simple living and prayer room of the religious
Latin "choralis" - belonging to the choir; church songs, choral singing of the monks / nuns; since the late Middle Ages mostly Gregorian chant (unison, Latin vocals)
Chapter or Chapter house
Sacred room in the cloister near the church for important monastic affairs; In the past, the daily reading of the regular chapter took place here.
Latin "chorus" - choral dance, dancer and singer, dance place; in the church usually elevated room (choir room) for the choir; the ministry performed here by monks / nuns is the choral prayer / liturgy; formerly mostly demarcated by choir barriers.
from lat. "completus" - complete, finish; last prayer time at the end of the day
Convent lat. "conventus" - meeting; Community of the monastery; also: Assembly of all voting members of the community
Latin "cuculla" - monk's robe, cowl, hood on coat; Part of the monk's clothing; big, wide, pleated coat
Divine Office
fixed prayer rhythm that runs through the day and divides (Tagzeitenliturgie), formerly every three hours: Lauds, Prime (for the first hour, Sunrise), third, sixth, None, Vespers, Compline, vigils
(lat "clausura" - door lock, separate part of the house, area of the monastery, which is reserved for the religious as a shelter.rom the Latin claustra, = seal, barrier)
Gregorian Chant
named after Pope Gregory the Great (540 - 604); Tradition has it that he collected the melodies of the office and the Mass.
lat. "habitus" - appearance, clothing, attitude, way of life; Religious robe (different depending on medal).
Holy Office
from lat. "officium" - service, office, duty; Hours prayer in the Catholic Church, prescribed to religious
from the lat. "laus / laudes" - song of praise;
morning song of praise
from the lat. "lectio" - reading, reading, study and "divinus" - divine;
Holy reading, especially of the Scriptures and their interpretation.
from the Greek "liturgia" (from "Laòs" - people and "Ergon" - work, ministry) - service to the people, service before God; Collective term for fixed forms of worship of the Christian churches; Celebration of the faith
Holy Mass is the common name used in the Roman Catholic and its descendent Catholic churches for the main worship which includes the proclamation of the Word and the Eucharistic celebration.
from the lat. "claustrum" - lock, bolt; originally surroun-ded by a wall building group (church, living rooms, farm buildings); common habitat for members of spiritual communities
Monastic rule
Summary of the goals, behaviors and rules of a religious order, especially the monastic orders. The basis is usually the advice of poverty (community ownership of property), celibacy and obedience.
derives from the Greek mónos - alone. Solus cum solo - alone with the one (God) was the inner pursuit and the outer path at the origin of monasticism. Benedict has recognized for his world and time that the long road to the goal of unity with God is best served in fellowship with like-minded people (see RB 1).
Noon prayer
Originally, the work in the monasteries was interrupted every three hours by a prayer (see: Hours Prayer): Today, the third (9 o'clock), the sixth (12 o'clock) and the non (15 o'clock) are usually summarized at Mittagshore. (For us third, sixth or non in weekly change).
from lat. "novicius" - newcomer, novice; time prescribed by church law to test and train all newcomers to the community; Duration generally two years
lat. "oblatio" - presentation, offering; Men and
women who want to bond to the monastery by Oblation and participate in monastic life, without becoming a member of the convent itself; the promise of a promise is preceded by a probationary period.
Ora et labora
Latin "pray and work"
Latin abbreviation for "Ordo Sancti Benedicti" - Order of St. Benedict - Benedictine order
from lat. "postulatio" - desire; the time of a manda-tory probationary period in the Community with the aim of joining it
(from the lat. prior = the former) Second superior and deputy of the abbot. In monasteries that have no abbot as head, the prior is the head of the monastery.
from lat. "professio" - confession, vows; Deposition of the vows; temporal profession (for three years) and eternal profession (for life).
from lat. "recreare" - revive; shared time of rest
from lat. "reficere" - restore, refresh; Dining room in the monastery
from lat.; fixed silence for times and places in the monastic life
from the lat. - continuity, duration; permanent, stable life in one place
from the lat. - stand still, location; short meeting (pausing, standing still) before the service
Table reading
Reading aloud (from Scripture, the Rule of the Order, from a book, ...) during the common meal, which is taken in silence.
lat. "vespera" - the evening; liturgical evening prayer.
from lat. "vigila" - vigil; Prayer time as a night watch awaiting the coming day / Lord